Our labor market has been seriously affected by the consequences of a pandemic that, in fact, has had effects at all levels, both social and economic.
In a context in which mobility restrictions have guided all our daily lives, training has not been an exception and, suddenly online training become from being an option to practically an obligation. Continuing with the teaching has required a great effort for all, and teachers have been no exception.
If we add to this the challenges that trainers from vocational education and training must respond to, Leaders IN Teach emerges.
Leaders IN Teach is a Media Creativa commitment to working on the development of digital teaching competence, supported by the great framework that the Erasmus Plus Program provides for this.

With a partnership made up of organizations from Bulgaria, Italy, and Poland, led by the Juan de los Toyos Foundation, we embarked on an exciting project in which for 20 months we will work for and to develop the digital teaching competence of vocational education and training trainers.

Because online training is not as simple as transferring classroom content to a new medium, but it is much more. Online training implies that trainers adopt different pedagogical approaches, responding to the needs of a new environment that also requires different resources, new formulas for student engagement and another type of knowledge assessment.
One challenge-one answer, that is our way of researching and working, and that is why you cannot miss all the results that we are going to generate within the framework of this project.