Media Creativa seizes the advantages of Educational Escape Rooms

Since the effectiveness of the traditional education model began to be questioned, more and more organizations are opting for innovative methodologies through which students can learn and have fun, all without losing sight of the learning objectives and content of each topic. Gamification is here to stay, as numerous authors have shown that its benefits … Read more

Focused on people

Fortunately, the concept of dependent person has changed over the years, and now this collective is destined to play the most active role possible in society. The Spanish law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in a situation of dependency establishes that dependent people are those who are in a “permanent … Read more

Community development through mentoring

The demographic structure of the European population is changing rapidly, and the United Nations already considers the aging of the population as one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century. All European countries show this trend, and Eurostat predicts that by the year 2100 one in three 3 Europeans will be over … Read more

Learn to recognize fake news and have a safe digital life

Today’s hyper-connected society opens up a world of possibilities for information and communication, but the digital world also has a series of dangers and threats, related to cyberbullying, fraud, fake news and many other potential problems. Did you know that 50% of all crimes committed are already cyber crimes? This is stated by a report … Read more