GREEN: Fostering climate-neutral cooperation

The climate change is advancing – the time to act is now. That is why the European Commission has adopted several strategies to tackle climate change: the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus. The GREEN project builds on these two strategies and aims to promote climate-neutral cooperation and green transitions. However, climate change … Read more

Didactic Mine: Paving the Way for Future Entrepreneurs

Wow, oh wow! The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the tremendous fragility of our global economic and social structures. What a whirlwind it has been! But fear not, because we have the solution: entrepreneurial education! Yes, you heard that right. The Didactic Mine project is coming in hot to provide young workers and students with the … Read more

Training diary in Tallinn

¡Tere Tallin! Thanks to the E-SCAPE project we have been able to enjoy a week-long training in Tallinn given by our Italian partners of TDM 2000 International. An unforgettable experience worth telling! So let’s get started… We couldn’t resist. The first thing we did on Monday when we arrived was to directly go for a … Read more

A new way of learning Let’s flip!

Those of you who have been following us for a long time already know that we love discovering and experimenting with new methodologies that make it easier for us to continue working to achieve higher quality in learning. That is why Flipped Digital Teachers is an opportunity that will allow us to redefine the role … Read more

When AI is our teammate

As you have probably already experienced, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been incorporated into more and more areas of our personal and professional lives. We are living in a key era of economic and social transformation, largely defined by the emergence and progressive generalisation of the use of robotics and AI in the workplace. After an … Read more